[Board] Three issues to vote on

Sean Egan seanegan at gmail.com
Tue Nov 21 19:25:22 EST 2006

Luke, I vote YES on these three proposals.


On 11/21/06, Sean Egan <seanegan at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi board,
> I've decided we should start getting down to some official business.
> I've written three proposals for us to vote on. I tried to sound nice
> and offiicial, but they're doubtlessly incomplete and vague :) I'll
> get better at this.
> Barring any objections to the process, e-mail voting will end 12:00AM
> EST on November 28, 2006. This is approximately one week. The
> Secretary will record the votes as received via e-mail. Provided a
> quorum of 4 directors have submitted votes by the deadline, these
> measures will be enacted by majority vote.
> Credit Card Processing Proposal
> This proposal is submitted for a vote to the board of directors of
> Instant Messaging Freedom, Inc.
> Abstract
> Article II of the by-laws of Instant Messaging Freedom, Inc., lists as
> on of the corporation's purposes:
> To solicit, collect and otherwise raise money and to expend such funds
> in furtherance of the goals and activities of the Corporation;
> To facilitate this goal, it is proposed that Instant Messaging
> Freedom, Inc. accept donations on its webpage, http://pidgin.im, by
> opening an account with Pinnacle Processing Group in Seattle, WA.
> Proposal
> I have been assured that the rates we've been offered are unspeakably
> competitive; they are being offered pretty much at-cost. In addition
> to unavoidable Visa and Mastercard fees, each transaction will cost
> $0.10 plus .05%.
> Additionally, there is a $10 monthly fee and an additional $5 minimum
> (if the processing company doesn't make $5 off the monthly
> per-transaction fees, they bill us up to that).
> Alternatives
> The $10-$15 monthly fee may be problematic to this plan; the low rates
> may be irrelevant if we do not have enough volume in transactions to
> cover the monthly minimum fees.
> Other serivces, notably PayPal and Google Checkouts, do not have
> minimum fees and have users donate through their own sites (on PayPal,
> at least, you can upgrade to have the donation page on pidgin.im, for
> a $20/mo fee). These services impose higher per-transaction fees.
> I propose that, since we're likely to generate a large volume of
> donations in our first few months, before tapering down, and the
> cancellation fee with Pinnacle Processing Group is waived, that we
> take advantage of the lower per-transaction fees for as long as it is
> cost-feasible, by opening an account with Pinnacle Processing Group.
> Incidental Expenses Proposal
> This proposal is submitted for a vote to the board of directors of
> Instant Messaging Freedom, Inc.
> Abstract
> Orders and resolutions of the board often result in incidental
> expenses unforseen in the original proposal, including office supplies
> such as envelopes and postage. It is proposed that officers be duly
> authorized to charge such expenses to the Corporation.
> Proposal
> The board shall authorize incidental expenses not to exceed $20 to be
> charged as needed by officers of the corporation to enact orders and
> resolutions of the board of directors. These incidental charges shall
> include office supplies such as paper, envelopes, and postage.
> Directors who make such charges are required to report their charges
> to the Treasurer, who will record the expense and reimburse the
> officer as appropriate.
> Adium Proposal
> This proposal is submitted for a vote to the board of directors of
> Instant Messaging Freedom, Inc.
> Abstract
> As stated in Article II of the corporation's by-laws, it is the
> purpose of Instant Messaging Freedom, Inc. to foster and promote the
> development of free and open-source software.
> Adium X is widely considered the best free IM client for OS X, and
> they are a major contributor to Gaim. As Adium would benefit from
> organization under Instant Messaging Freedom, Inc., that its lead
> developer is on our board of directors, and that Adium is already
> using the corporation's tax exempt status, it is proposed that they be
> invited to join.
> Proposal
> We shall invite Adium to become a project of Instant Messaging
> Freedom, Inc. If they accept, they shall be able to use the
> corporation as needed for the following reasons (and others):
> - Instant Messaging Freedom, Inc. will be able to raise funds for
> Adium. A fund will be created, devoted to Adium. Money raised on the
> Adium webpage will be deposited to this fund, and those funds will be
> used solely to promote Adium development
> - Instant Messaging Freedom, Inc. will be the legal entity responsible
> for Adium development, providing limited liability for Adium
> developers
> Apart from fiscal matters, the day-to-day operations of Adium
> development will not be affected by this change. That control will
> remain in the hands of the current Adium developers.

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