Cross-project collaboration project

Evan Schoenberg evan.s at
Tue Dec 18 16:42:34 EST 2007

On Dec 18, 2007, at 4:29 PM, "Sean Egan" <seanegan at> wrote:

> IM Freedom would
> also take liability for all the documentation, to protect individual
> contributors if we get accused of revealing trade secrets or
> something.
> I believe our rules say that all issues should be brought up for
> debate on e-mail one week before a vote, so please discuss away.

I think it's a great idea and also a fantastic first imfreedom-as- 
imfreedom effort.

To maximize legal protection, I think we should ask that copyright for  
all protocol documentation and sample code be assigned to imfreedom...  
But IANAL. Sean, could you ask the lawyers if this is the right  
practice and, if so, if anything specific is involved in its execution?


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