Vote to close credit card processing accounts.

Mark Doliner mark at
Sun Jun 12 14:17:54 EDT 2011

On Fri, Jun 3, 2011 at 8:16 AM, Ethan Blanton <elb at> wrote:
> Mark Doliner spake unto us the following wisdom:
>> I counted 5 votes in favor of closing credit card processing with
>> Pinnacle Processing Group and and 0 votes against.  So
>> it passed, right?
>> Ethan, I feel like you might be the most appropriate person to tackle
>> that.  You haven't done it already, have you?  Would you want to?  Do
>> you have all the information you need?
> I would be, but I cannot.  Sean is the point of contact for this,
> because the setup predates the current organization of IM Freedom.



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