Cross-project collaboration project
Ethan Blanton
elb at
Mon Dec 24 05:55:28 EST 2007
Sean Egan spake unto us the following wisdom:
> Youness Alaoui e-mailed devel at last week. He was looking for
> support to start a project on called OpenIM. This
> would be a cross-team effort to communicate and document various IM
> protocols and other related topics, like Adium's Message Styles,
> currently supported by a bunch of clients, or standardizing smiley
> themes and the sort. After some discussion, we decided that IM Freedom
> would be a more appropriate organization to host this.
I think this is a fantastic idea; early on we had discussed the
possibility that could collect IM "standards" like fd.o
collects DE "standards" -- this seems like that idea, come again. I
feel that it's a great way for IMF to "give" to the community in a way
that we can sustain and that won't step on toes.
> This would require little resources from IM Freedom, Inc. We would
> host a wiki (or something similar) as for us to
> work on documentation. We'd also host a few more mailing lists (I
> suspect oscar-devel@ msn-devel@, etc.). I don't see any of these
> things having a significant impact on our resources. IM Freedom would
> also take liability for all the documentation, to protect individual
> contributors if we get accused of revealing trade secrets or
> something.
> I believe our rules say that all issues should be brought up for
> debate on e-mail one week before a vote, so please discuss away.
I am presently out of the country, and my connectivity is spotty. If
this should come to a vote while I am disconnected, I am in favor of
providing resources to such a project. I realize that isn't a "vote"
per se, but just so you all know where I stand. :-)
The laws that forbid the carrying of arms are laws [that have no remedy
for evils]. They disarm only those who are neither inclined nor
determined to commit crimes.
-- Cesare Beccaria, "On Crimes and Punishments", 1764
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