Articles of incorporation or other identifying document
Ethan Blanton
elb at
Thu Oct 21 21:16:54 EDT 2010
Evan Schoenberg, M.D. spake unto us the following wisdom:
> Could I please have a copy of the IMF articles of incorporation,
> charter document, or certificate of formation?
I forwarded Evan a copy of our incorporation documents privately, as
they contain private contact information etc. Any board member is of
course welcome to view any documents I can find, but some of them are
best not broadcast simply because they have home addresses,
signatures, etc. on them. I am happy to provide their text with such
private information redacted to anyone who asks, as time allows.
For what purpose do you need this information? The incorporation
paperwork is all pretty generic stuff, it says things like "this
corporation will be formed to do anything it can legally do", "this
corporation will have a board of directors", etc.
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