Apple's Mac Developer Prorgam license agreement

Sean Egan seanegan at
Thu Oct 28 13:46:37 EDT 2010

I will forward this to Karen at and see what she thinks.

On Wed, Oct 27, 2010 at 10:02 PM, Evan Schoenberg, M.D. <evan at> wrote:
> Fellow Board Members,
> Attached is the Mac Developer Program license agreement which I propose to enter into as a representative of and on behalf of IMF.  Doing so is a prerequisite to participating in the Mac App Store as well as to Adium having access to various resources that Apple offers its paid-program developers.
> I am not a lawyer, but I don't see anything offensive in the agreement.  I'd appreciate timely feedback so we can proceed, if possible.
> Cheers,
> Evan
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