NRAI invoice

Ethan Blanton elb at
Thu Aug 16 15:21:10 EDT 2012


You may recall that Sean and I iterated about an NRAI invoice a month
or two ago.  It turns out that NRAI had not yet issued our 2012
invoice, and the invoice we were looking at was last year's paid
invoice.  In the meantime, I have received the 2012 invoice for the
amount of $120.

As a reminder, NRAI provides us representation in the state of
Delaware, where IM Freedom Inc. is incorporated, and we require their
services (or the services of a similar company) to retain our
incorporation there.  We essentially have to pay this invoice, and it
represents an ongoing obligation of IMF.

I would like to ask, however, for board approval to pay this invoice
with my personal credit card, and be reimbursed from Instant Messaging
Freedom funds.  We have two options for payment: by credit card (and
IMF does not maintain a credit card) or by check (and we draw checks
off the bank for a few dollars apiece at the teller, as we have not
purchased a checkbook).  Since the credit card option is free, I would
like to pay the invoice using my personal card and request

I do not believe this action requires board involvement, but since it
will involve a payment to myself I would like informal board approval
to pursue it.  Board members, please drop and email to the list
acknowledging this request and letting us know if it is OK with you.

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