Delaware tax filing

Ethan Blanton elb at
Tue Mar 6 09:53:50 EST 2012

Sean Egan spake unto us the following wisdom:
> I got mail from our new Delaware agent, NRAI, that we're required to
> file a Delaware annual financial report and tax statement at
> by
> March 1st. This is the filing we failed to do with the old agent,
> which led to us being classified as inactive by the state.
> Ethan, can you take care of this filing? I can help with anything you need.


I messed up here.  I assumed that financial reports and taxes would
not be due before Apr 15 (per Federal individual filing date) or May
15 (per Federal nonprofit filing date), despite the fact that Sean
clearly said Mar 1 in his email.

I started the process of handling this yesterday, Mar 5, and am
completing it today, Mar 6.  As you may notice, both of these dates
are after Mar 1.  For this reason, we owe a late filing penalty of
$125.00, plus interest of $1.88.  I assume the interest will continue
to rise until the filing is complete.  The original filing fee is $25,
so at this point, we owe $151.88.

Because the late filing penalty is larger than the incidental expenses
amount approved in our by-laws, I would like to ask the board to
approve payment of this amount.  I am going to pay it out of pocket in
the meantime, to halt interest accrual and put us in good standing
with the State.

Sean, I think you have the current contact information for the board.
I need from you the official corporate address and the addresses of
the board members, please.

This situation is entirely my fault, and was avoidable.  I am sorry I
have allowed it to happen.

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