Paying Tomasz Wasilczyk for security improvements

Tomasz Wasilczyk tomkiewicz.groups at
Sat Mar 2 20:56:24 EST 2013

2013/2/21 Tomasz Wasilczyk <tomkiewicz.groups at>:
> We didn't set (yet?) rigid requirements, I've only got a list of loose
> tasks to comment on. A lion's share of discussion was about troubles
> with setting any possible contract. However, I would prefer to see
> some sort of soft/hard requirements when working on this. I would like
> to emphasize, that the work isn't a simple do-some-tasks-and-forget,
> it's rather a long-time allocation to care about security issues that
> hurts Google. Also, it wasn't said, if tasks to do will be provided
> only from Google, or both Google and IMF/Pidgin crew (merging master
> password branch, for example, sounds interesting and useful).

We (I mean, me and someone from Google) clarified some aspects of this
agreement. At first, Google won't direct the work - it's up to IMF to
decide, what is important in the context of improving security. Still,
they will be happy to discuss or advise on the work. I think it will
be kind, if I will address every issue they point out at first place.

I wish there would be any primary contact person from IMF for this
work. He could quickly decide, if certain task fits into scope of
whole security-related work. Also, he could assign me to any task that
have to be done on this topic. But this is only my wish and I can cope
without it.

Tomek Wasilczyk

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