reimbursements to treasurer

Ethan Blanton elb at
Fri Jul 1 20:30:08 EDT 2016

Luke Schierer spake unto us the following wisdom:
> Per our voting proceedures, as no timing was mentioned in the
> proposal, voting will open on 7/4 at 5PM EDT and close on on 7/11 at
> 5PM EDT.

Well, I'm not precisely asking for a vote, I'm asking for the board to
discuss it and then vote if they think it's reasonable.  (Which I hope
they will, because it's more money than I thought I was out!)

As an aside, we're current with NRAI but I have not yet been able to
re-register us with Delaware as I still don't have an address for one
of the board members.  If a new board is seated before I get it, we'll
register with the new board, I guess.


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