Vote to reimburse treasurer

Ethan Blanton elb at
Wed Jul 13 23:02:08 EDT 2016

Eion Robb spake unto us the following wisdom:
> Now that we have assembled a new crack team of industry-leading experts and
> trend-setters, I'd like to put forward a vote to reimburse our treasurer, Ethan
> Blanton, the USD$531.88 that he paid for "registration fees" between 2011
> through 2016.
> As per protocol of allowing 3 days, voting for this should open 17th July
> 2016 at 3AM GMT, closing at 23th July 2016 at 2:59AM
> (Lemme know if I've done something wrong here) Cheers,

I can't say you've done anything wrong, but I think we kind of need
officers to execute on this.  :-)  I'm assuming I'll remain Treasurer,
so that part is fine, but someone has to say "Make it So".


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