Proposal: Move repositories to BitBucket

Gary Kramlich grim at
Wed Jun 8 10:32:51 EDT 2016


I propose we move the imfreedom repositories, of which there is currently
one (the website) to a BitBucket team.  I have preemptively created the
team so to ensure that we have it.  I have also currently added all board
members who's BitBucket user names's I know.

If this is the way we would like to go, I can create the www repository and
push it there.  Due to the limited number of users for this repository I
would recommend at this time hiding the version on and making
it the source of truth with no synchronization between the two.  If not, I
will mark the team private and essentially park it to avoid spoofers/etc in
the future.


Gary Kramlich <grim at>
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