2018 Board Meeting

Gary Kramlich grim at reaperworld.com
Fri Apr 6 11:18:58 EDT 2018

On Mon, Apr 2, 2018 at 7:05 PM, John Bailey <rekkanoryo at rekkanoryo.org>

> On Mon, Apr 2, 2018, 7:22 PM Gary Kramlich <grim at reaperworld.com> wrote:
>> It was mentioned during our last board meeting (in September) that our
>> board meetings are supposed to be in April.  Well it's April now, and while
>> I can't officially call for the meeting I'd like to try to get it schedule
>> so that Eion can call for it.
>> I would like to propose 2018/04/18 or 2018/04/25 at 0100 UTC (2100 EST,
>> 1300 NZST).  If please respond if either of these will work for you and if
>> the time is agreeable.
>> Thanks,
>> --
>> Gary Kramlich <grim at reaperworld.com>
> Both of these dates and the time work for me.
> John
Ethan and Eion, could you please chime in on this when you have a chance?
I've been asked to push it back to 0130 UTC (2130 EST, 1330 NZST) which is
what we did last time :)


Gary Kramlich <grim at reaperworld.com>
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