Annual Meeting

Matthew mathuaerknedam at
Mon Apr 1 21:10:12 EDT 2019

Looks good to me. Thanks!

On Mon, Apr 1, 2019 at 7:56 PM John Bailey <rekkanoryo at> wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 25, 2019 at 8:53 PM John Bailey <rekkanoryo at> wrote:
>> Hello fellow board members!
>> It's now quickly approaching April, and traditionally this is when we hold our required annual board meeting.  I'd like to decide on a date and agenda for the meeting.  I can be available any evening from 2200 UTC until 0400 UTC except Thursdays.  I'd prefer also avoiding April 1 due to my work schedule.  I think April 1 is too soon anyway given our bylaws about meeting timing and agendas.  I'd suggest we look at April 8 as the earliest reasonable meeting date.
>> As for an agenda, I have the following items:
>>   * Treasurer's report, as usual, including a status update on the transfer of Treasurer duties from Ethan to Colin
>>   * Old business:
>>       * Gary wants to present an update on the address debacle from last year.
>>       * Update from Gary and myself on infrastructure (servers, services, etc.)
>>       * Gary also wants to present an update on the IMF website and wiki.  I authorized him in May 2018 to pursue a redesign of the site and he received a fair amount of help from Daniel Reilly (who volunteered on Gary's twitch stream), but we don't believe anyone other than Gary, Daniel Reilly, and I have seen it.
>>   * New business:
>>       * Election of board members and officers.  Since I haven't heard otherwise I'm going to assume we want to just re-elect everyone to the same positions?
>>       * I'd like to propose IMF disburse $5,000 to Gary to work full time on Pidgin, Adium, and libpurple for a month.  We'll also need to determine how to handle this for tax purposes for both Gary and IMF.  I'm assuming IMF can report this on a 1099-MISC (which would require us to report to the IRS by 2020-01-30, but that seems doable).  Technically, since I will be chairing the meeting, I don't think I can actually make the formal proposal, so if someone else could do that, I would appreciate it.
>> If anyone else has items for the agenda, please let me know ASAP and I'll update the list.
>> Also, please make sure you respond with what days and UTC times work for you!
>> Thanks,
>> John
> Given the range of responses I'd like to propose a meeting date and time of 2019-04-09, 9 April, or April 9 (however we each prefer it to be described) at 0000 UTC.  For us in the US, that means April 8 at 8 PM Eastern or 7 PM Central.  If I did the math on this wrong and this excludes Peter and Eion, please let me know ASAP so I can adjust the time!
> As for a final agenda, here we go:
>   * Treasurer's report, including a status update on the transfer of Treasurer duties from Ethan to Colin
>   * Old Business:
>       * Gary to present an update on the address situation carried over from last year's board meeting
>       * Update from Gary and myself on infrastructure (servers, services, etc.)
>       * Gary also wants to present an update on the IMF website and wiki.  I authorized him in May 2018 to pursue a redesign of the site and he received a fair amount of help from Daniel Reilly (who volunteered on Gary's twitch stream), but we don't believe anyone other than Gary, Daniel Reilly, and I have seen it.
>       * Any other Old Business I have forgotten to include and that the Board may deem fit to address.
>   * New Business:
>       * Election of board members and officers.  Since I haven't heard otherwise I'm going to assume we want to just re-elect everyone to the same positions (adjusted for Ethan passing the Treasurer baton to Colin):
>           * President - John Bailey
>           * Vice President - Matthew Needham
>           * Secretary - Gary Kramlich
>           * Treasurer - Colin Barrett
>           * Directors - Ethan Blanton, Eion Robb, Richard Laager, Peter Lawler
>       * Proposal from Peter that IMF disburse $5,000 to a party (individual or group) to work full-time on Pidgin, Adium, and libpurple for a month.  (Full-time to be defined as "approximately 40 to 50 hours per week" for the purposes of this proposal.)
>       * Related proposal from Peter that as soon as practical following the Board meeting, IMF disburses the monies from the previous proposal to Gary, for the purposes of working full time on Pidgin, Adium, and libpurple for a month.(Full-time to be defined as "approximately 40 to 50 hours per week" for the purposes of this proposal.)
>       * Any other New Business as the Board may deem fit to address.
> For ease of recording, I will host a Zoom meeting again this year.  I will post the link and instructions in our group Hangout.  I know some board members had difficulty joining the meeting last year, so I will include the dial-in numbers for both US and International, as this may yield a superior experience for those who had difficulties joining from a web browser last year.
> If I've forgotten anything or anyone, please let me know ASAP!
> Thanks,
> John
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