2020 Board Meeting

Richard Laager rlaager at pidgin.im
Sat Feb 29 14:17:15 EST 2020

On 2/26/20 7:35 PM, John Bailey wrote:
> On 2/25/20 9:38 PM, Gary Kramlich wrote:
>> With April right around the corner we should probably be start talking
>> about and scheduling our annual board meeting.
>> The date/time of the meeting doesn't matter to me, I'll be there.
>> However, I intend to bring up new business of folding the foundation.
> I'll go ahead and propose a few dates and we can work from there.  For
> all these dates I'm proposing 0000 UTC as the time (for us in the United
> States that would be the previous day at 8 PM Eastern or 7 PM Central as
> we'll be in DST by that these dates)
>   * April 22 or 23
>   * May 13 or 14
>   * June 9 or 10

I'm open basically any day and any time before June. But we should meet
before then anyway.


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