Message styles

Evan Schoenberg evan at
Tue Jul 22 15:16:49 EDT 2008

On Jul 22, 2008, at 2:49 PM, Youness Alaoui wrote:

> I'm thinking about what we said at some point in the past about  
> creating a standard for message styles in IM applications.
> I think that Adium Message styles are pretty good, complete, and  
> they seem to work, so what do you guys think? I don't have any  
> experience with them, so I don't know exactly, but I didn't hear  
> anyone complain about that... and does anyone know what should be  
> done in order to transform "adium message styles" into "IM standard  
> for message styles".
> It would be nice to know that every IM application that wants to  
> implement message styles would use the same thing instead of having  
> some client decide to create his own message style 'spec'.
> Anyone from Adium here?


Kopete uses the Adium style format, as well. The Kopete team found a  
few things they wanted in the format to make it a bit more universal;  
Adium has since added those extensions as well. 
  is their doc page; everything labeled "Kopete extension" isn't at  
this point.

Skype on Mac OS X uses the style format, as well, though that's not  

I don't know of any holes in the format, but if 
  is missing anything that would be wanted or is unclear, I'll be  
happy to help refine.

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