2009 Board Meeting
Luke Schierer
luke at schierer.org
Tue Nov 17 18:39:40 EST 2009
On Nov 17, 2009, at 13:14 EST, Ethan Blanton wrote:
> Sean Egan spake unto us the following wisdom:
>>> From now until the meeting, I am accepting items for the agenda, and
>> nominations for directors and officers. I do not wish to be
>> re-nominated as President this year; do speak up if you do not wish to
>> be re-nominated for your current directorship of officership, so we
>> know which roles we need to fill.
> So, for officers, we have the following positions and
> nominations/volunteers:
> President: <none>
> Vice President: Mark Doliner
> Treasurer: Ethan Blanton
> Secretary: ?
I am willing to continue as secretary. But considering how little I do for any IMFreedom sponsored project (basically just some irregular routine server maintenance), I would understand if y'all wanted me to retire in favor of someone more active in open source instant messaging.
> (It is not clear whether Luke wishes to continue in his capacity as
> secretary.
> We also need to fill at least one seat, regardless of whether we add
> seats to the board. I nominate John Bailey for this position.
My understanding, with Sean and Nathan both stepping down, we need a minimum of two seats filled. I second John's nomination for one of the two.
Do we have anyone willing to take on being President?
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