Electing Directors

Ethan Blanton elb at pidgin.im
Thu Aug 4 11:45:40 EDT 2016

Ethan Blanton spake unto us the following wisdom:
> We've formed a new board, and we need to elect directors!  Please do
> the following for me:
> 1) Let me know if you'd be willing to be an officer.
> 2) Let me know what approximate hours UTC are generally good for you
>    for an online chat (maybe a Google Hangout?) lasting about one
>    hour.  Please be flexible, there are a lot of us and we're in a lot
>    of time zones!

I am generally available weekdays from 1300-2100 UTC and can be
available from 2100-0000 UTC if necessary.  Weekend availability is
possible more or less any time 1300-0000 UTC if necessary.  (This
corresponds to business and evening hours US EDT.)

I am willing to continue as Treasurer.  If I do not continue as
treasurer, I am willing to take a different officer position.


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