Meeting Minutes from 2016-06-07 meeting

Mark Doliner mark at
Wed Jun 8 02:25:04 EDT 2016

Thanks, Luke! I sprinkled some awful HTML into the minutes and
uploaded it to the IM Freedom website:

Gary: I pushed my changes to ssh:// As
far as I can tell that's still the source of truth for that repo (I
didn't see it in Bitbucket). Sorry if that was the wrong thing to do!

Regarding the SourceForge Accelerator Program:
I can see download counts and payments made to us at I would expect other logged-in
admins for the Pidgin SourceForge project to see the same thing, but
it wouldn't surprise me if the dashboard was only enabled for me. We
could probably contact SourceForge and ask them if other people could
get access if people are concerned about this.

Regarding the IM Freedom PayPal account:
I believe Ethan and I are the two people who currently have access. We
created it specifically to receive payments from the SourceForge
Accelerator Program. I thought PayPal recognized us as a non-profit,
but the lack of a green check mark next to "Confirm your charity
status" at
makes me think otherwise. Ethan: Looks like they want an image of a
bank statement or voided check:

Regarding the unaccounted for $45.38 from the first few months of 2014:
Ethan, I'm able to view all account activity back to June 8, 2013 (the
date we opened the account, I presume) by going to and using the
calendar date range pickers. It requires a stupid amount of clicking,
but it works. And I can do the same thing on the "Activity including
balance & fees" tab which allows me to view all fees. I don't see any
transactions or fees for $45.38. Anyway, I'm not worried about it.


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